FILM MAKING WORKSHOP 2018 by Danilo Repaja

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Motion Picture Workshop or Film Making Workshop 2018 edition, an intense week where we the Film Makers did learn a lot. The participants to the workshop were divided into three groups consisting of the first, second and the third batch. The first batch were those who attended the Film making since the first edition in 2016; these were assigned to assist and to teach their skills to the others. The second and third batch were composed of observer participants from last year, and new ones. While the first batch completed the post production of one of our project which is the CFM Cebu Farmers Market video, the second and the third batch had their lessons on Principle Photography. They were given positions in the production team, in order for them to have a direct experience of what really is a production team and how the production team works. They need to make an output video by doing all the process, from the Pre-Production, the Principle Photography and the Post-Production which is very challenging. The assignment given by our trainer Greg was to tell a story without speech, only through motion picture and photography. The second batch and the third batch had a hard time to work as a team because each one of them had a different idea about how things should be done. Then bit by bit as the workshop goes, debrief meetings took place, in which each one is free to share what he/she felt during the day, and this made everybody realize a lot, especially their own mistakes. Each of us learned to accept the feeling of the other and how to correct our own mistakes because in experience we always learn, no matter if the experience is good or bad. We had challenges often times, especially in the production team, but this allowed us to be braver and stronger in facing problems. We also learned a very important strategy in life which is the GTD “Getting Things Done”: it allows us to be more organized and to be productive even if there are a lot of tasks to do especially since everyone is a student. The second and the third batch also learned about different kind of shots, cuts, and more about technicalities especially on how to use the editing software which is Adobe Premier Cut. At the end of the workshop they presented two videos they were able to come up with. The participants have been given a handbook with all the film making protocols and other details they learned during the workshop.

A big THANK YOU to all partners and sponsors who made possible this third edition of the Film making workshop: Greg Rodriguez III and Ian Amane of Overmind Corp., BP Cebu Foundation Inc., TELUS International Philippines Community Board.

All pictures of the workshop are available on the PAGLAUM facebook page and

Impression and Learnings with some participants

James- it’s a great privilege again to be part of film-making workshop and I’m so grateful that everyone has the chance to show their skills and abilities to become better. Generally, I learned that film-making is an art of generosity and humility.

Jhanna- It’s a great experience to me again to learn or learn more about the film making. I learned lot of things that I know I can use in the near future. Especially the post-production. Also, I enjoyed the process so all in all, it’s great!!!

Merlin- Gladness is what I felt during the week of the workshop for I was able to refresh the past lessons I learned and imparted some of my knowledge in the said field towards the younger batch of mine. Also, I was able to learn new things such as possessing humility during work in order for oneself to develop and doing GTD “GET THINGS DONE”, which I learned in the lesson, makes me more productive in daily basis. Watching the younger batch building their prowess in creating film makes me feel proud for they were able to surpass the challenges, specifically letting go of one’s idea and accepting others and develop one’s skills on what department they are assigned. A workshop like this, for me, will help, not only in becoming a good film maker but also becoming a better man as a whole.


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