Bukas Palad Community Service 2018


The community service activity took place last February 25, 2018 with a general cleaning in Sitio Holy Name, Mabolo, Cebu. Many BP students, parents and BP staff participated. With broomsticks, dustpans, gloves and masks, each one had a role during the activity . Some used the brooms to gather the trashes as we were passing by houses and stores, while others picked up trashes wearing disposable gloves on their hands. The parents were carrying the heavy sacks full of the garbage collected.

At a certain point, we passed by the canal full of garbage and some of us started right away to collect. I was amazed by looking at them while cleaning in the midst of acrid and rancid smell.  After three hours of hard work, we returned to Bukas Palad Center and shared a simple snack.  I felt blessed because I and other people have done another act of love that day.

By Wilma


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